Don’t Even Trash No Land with Graffiti!

Help us continue our Graffiti Removal Program!  We endeavor to remove graffiti in the forests in our great Northwest.

Each project can easily consume 1 to 5 gallons of graffiti solvent.  A 5 gallon container of solvent costs $330!

If you don’t want graffiti on our public lands, please help our efforts by donating what you can!



Our first visit to the Arrowhead Pit, we used 2 gallons of solvent and 160 gallons of water.  On our second visit we went through another 2 gallons of solvent, 200 gallons of water and 2 1/2 gallons of anti-graffiti coating.  Since these rocks are often tagged, we need to coat them with a graffiti block.  And there are a lot of them!  So, we will return for a third visit to finish the anti-coating job with an additional 5 gallons.


TNL now removing graffiti in our Northwest Forests.


Return to the Arrowhead Pit.  Aiming for illegal tagging.


The final visit to apply the Anti-Graffiti coating at the Arrowhead Pit and to clean off graffiti on the L1600 Rd.


This project consumed 5 gallons of solvent and 5 gallons of Graffiti Blok (a $665 value!).  Our supply of solvent and anti-graffiti coating is now depleted, yet there is much more work to be done in many forests throughout the Northwest! Please consider a donation to help support our graffiti removal program.  Thank you!

For more information, read our Blog “Trash No Land Outfits to Remove Graffiti in NW Forests” and the Blog story of the completion of this project “Third Visit to the Yacolt Burn, Finish Graffiti Project“.