Here’s to the volunteers that came out on the hottest day of 2022, to give of their time for the benefit of others who recreate in the Tahuya State Forest! CHEERS for a job well done! The crew of 29 (+/-1), filled up the DNR dumpster with 4 (4×8) utility...
Saturday, June 25, 2022 Meet at 9 AM! Cleanup Target Shooting Sites and Local Area! Hosted by: WA Dept Of Natural Resources, Tahuya State Forest, Hood Canal District – South Puget Sound Region. Google Maps: GPS: 47.439382,...
Twenty Five volunteers gathered in Tillamook State Forest at the North Fork Wolf Creek Rd recreational target shooting site to help save and preserve a special place to shoot. On May 21st, 2022, the volunteers gladly took on the challenge of removing all trash...
May 21, 2022, Tillamook State Forest at North Fork Wolf Creek Rd shooting lanes #1-4. 9 AM Sign-in & Meeting at Lane 3. A multipurpose event. Cleanup! Graffiti Removal! Kiosk Repairs! All New Signs! Lunch Provided! Free Prize Raffle! After Party! Preserving...
Mt Hood National Forest, Estacada, Hwy 224 to reopen May 1st!!! According to ODOT, they plan to open Hwy 224, East of Estacada, to the public on May 1st, HOWEVER, some types of recreation will still be restricted. Included in those restriction types, is recreational...