The annual Pick Up The Burn community volunteer event is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2022. Meet at the Jones Creek Trailhead parking lot at 8 AM. Hosted by: WA Dept of Natural Resources Pacific Cascade Region Google Maps:
Here is another reminder of why we need to practice responsible target practice on public lands every time we go out. Target shooting activity must be held in the highest regards for public safety, respect for other recreational users, stewardship of our public...
Improving safety in public land target shooting is not rocket science. It doesn’t take years of talks, meetings, public comments, analysis and reports, just to have nothing to show for it. It can be done in one summer. Allow each state forest region to decide...
Bill put out a request for a couple people to help with a small cleanup at a shooting pit in the Yacolt Burn State Forest. Three volunteers joined him and three hours later… Mission accomplished! This particular pit is not a good place to shoot. Too...
The Fall planting of our Public Safety Project is now complete! Steve Williams and I (Bill Cogley), purchased and planted the final plants needed for the completion of our Public Safety Project in the Tillamook State Forest, at the improved dispersed target...