April 20, 2019, 9 AM – 12 Noon 36 Pit Cleanup, Mt Hood National Forest, Hwy 224 at the 36 Pit. Sponsored by; Trash No Land, USFS Mt Hood National Forest, Clackamas County Dump Stoppers. Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/GFfBYQ77Xgx 11 mi...
What is the value of ‘FREE’? You know, free as in receiving something of value at no cost to you? It depends on whether you see it as a value or not! If not, you may have no respect for it. Shooting on public land is FREE.However, some people put...
The headquarters office of Washington State Dept of Natural Resources, Commissioner Hilary Franz’s staff, invited me to a meeting in Olympia to discuss a potential partnership with DNR and the Trash No Land organization. We met yesterday, the 15th.The...
It’s not what you may think of when you hear the word, ‘Range’. It is also not a range ‘Facility’. It is simply and commonly referred to as ‘Dispersed Recreational Shooting places on Public Lands’, (places where the general public may target shoot recreationally,...
ONE WEEK SHOOTING LANE CLOSURE AT NORTH FORK WOLF CREEK ROAD, IN TILLAMOOK STATE FOREST!~PLUS~ CLEANUP SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, NOV 3RD, @ 9 AM!The popular improved dispersed shooting lanes, at North Fork Wolf Creek Rd in Tillamook State Forest, will be closed starting...