8-25-18 Mary’s Peal CleanUp

It’s time once again for the annual Mary’s Peak Cleanup Event! Come celebrate National Public Lands Day a week early! Hosted by; Benton County Sheriff’s Dept,   BLM,   USFS   and   Trash No Land. Location: On Mary’s Peak Road at the rock quarry...

The Value of a Cleanup

We don’t like cleaning up other peoples trash.  We don’t like seeing our great outdoors littered like a big city street.  We don’t like the damage being done to our natural resources.  We don’t like seeing rules disregarded and disobeyed when we try so...

Clackamas Stewardship Partnership Meeting 8-14-18

Trash No Land was invited to a meeting with Clackamas Stewardship Partnership (CSP) a Forest Collaborative in Clackamas County.  TNL President, Bill Cogley, and board member Craig Yon attended the event, held in the Mt Hood National Forest.  Amongst the...

Cleanup at Tillamook Beaver Dam Rock Quarry

We will be cleaning up the Browns Camp gravel pit, (Beaver Dam Rock Quarry in The Tillamook State Forest), where a lot of target shooting takes place and needs our stewardship attention. Win some awesome prizes in our free raffle!  We encourage you to support our...

7-28-18 Information Class

A Free Information Class for Target Shooting on Public Land Sat, July 28, 2018 1 – 2 PM Location: Sportsman’s Warehouse, 18645 NW Tanasbourne Dr, Hillsboro, OR 97124. Free and open to the public. Where to shoot? What to shoot? How to be legal? Are there...