Earth Day 2018 Mt Hood

Earth Day on The Hood! A Cleanup in Mt. Hood National Forest Sunday, April 22, 2018.  9 AM to 1 PM Google Maps: GPS:  45° 9’58.13″N, 122° 9’19.39″W 14 miles up river from Estacada on Hwy 224.  Look for the...

3-24-18 Information Classs

A Free Information Class for Target Shooting on Public Land Sat, March 24, 2018 2 – 3 PM Location: Sportsman’s Warehouse, 11505 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA. Free and open to the public. Where to shoot? What to shoot? How to be legal? Are there any...

Johnny Gets A Safe

Johnny Gets A SafeThe cry for help can sometimes be unheard, overlooked or even disregarded and thought of as being unimportant.  But to the person who needs the help, it is a real and stressful situation.  Such is the case with Johnny.A concern arose at...

New Informational Classes this Spring/Summer

We are launching a new class this spring called “Target Shooting On Public Land”.  It’s all the things you need to know to shoot responsibly on public land.Four classes are schedule for this Spring/Summer: Training Classes: “Target...