‘Stew Award’ Craig & Tracy

COMMIT RANDOM ACTS OF CLEANUPS!   The Trash No Land ‘Stew Award’ goes out to Craig & Tracy, of Albany, Oregon, for their dedication to Stewardship in Recreational Shooting.   Craig and Tracy recently donated 5 hours of their recreation time to help...


Put those firearms back in the safe, folks! Target shooting is now prohibited in Mt. Hood National Forest, until we get past this extreme/unusual fire potential situation.Of course, we’re not surprised, right?!!!. I’m sure most of us have chosen not to...

8-12-17 Yacolt Burn State Forest

Using Suppressors in Public Land Shooting We support the use of suppressors in public land shooting, as it helps reduce noise and enhances the recreational experience for all who visit our great outdoors. We will have a special presentation of several suppressor...

Using Suppressors in Public Land ShootingWe support the use of suppressors in public land shooting, as it helps reduce noise and enhances the recreational experience for all who visit our great outdoors.We will have a special presentation of several suppressor options...

6-17-17 Target Shooting Appreciation Day

Saturday June 17, 2017,  9 AM – 1 PM Target Shooting Appreciation Day       Cleanup~BBQ~Shoot Mt. Hood National Forest Join Trash No Land, Clackamas County Dump Stoppers and USFS as we show our appreciation for the privilege of recreational shooting in our great...