May 25, 2024, Tillamook State Forest at North Fork Wolf Creek Rd shooting lanes #1-4. 9 AM Sign-in & Meeting at Lane 3. A multipurpose event. Cleanup & Graffiti Removal! We provide the Lunch, you provide the After Party! Preserving Public Land Shooting...
There are good and bad places to shoot. Choose wisely. It is YOUR responsibility to assure NO ROUNDS LEAVE THE RANGE! When you see trash at a place where people shoot targets, whether it’s a legal place or not, please help clean it up. If it’s an illegal...
The annual Pick Up The Burn community volunteer event is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2024. Meet at the Jones Creek Trailhead parking lot at 9 AM. Yacolt Burn State Forest, Clark & Skamania Counties, Washington. Hosted by: WA Dept of Natural Resources...
Here’s a followup on the out-of-place boulder, that was blocking parking at a shooting site and providing access for unauthorized trails, I posted about on March 20th (on TNL’s Facebook page). I went back last Friday and tried to move it! I tried my idea...
Cleanup along China Hat Rd in Central Oregon, South of Bend. April 13th, 2023, 8:30 to 1 PM. Sign-up Here for Volunteer Registration. Presented by: Public Land Stewards Bend Partners: Public Land Stewards Bend, Trash No Land, Deschutes National Forest and the whole...