FREE TO SHOOT! We have the freedom to shoot on public land. Most land management agencies have information about recreational target shooting posted on their web sites and many public land places allow it. Be sure to check before going shooting. Along with that...
Cleanup and Celebration at North Fork Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes 36 miles West of Beaverton, Oregon! Sat Aug 27, 2016, 9 AM to 1 PM (+/- an hour) Help us salute Oregon Department of Forestry with our show of appreciation and celebration for the new and improved target...
MT HOOD CLEANUP PARTY Join us for the Mt Hood Nat Forest Target Shooting Site Cleanup Party July, 23, 2016, 9 AM to 1 PM (+/- an hour). 14 miles East of Estacada Or. on Hwy 224 Google Maps: GPS: 45°09’58.8″N...