I try not to make New Year’s resolutions because they rarely ever materialize. But this year, I’m making an exception, (and it’s a little too late to turn back now!). I’ll explain herein… Besides the normal annual resolutions of buying...
Washington Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, the WA Armed Forces Initiative, and Trash No Land will partner with WA Department of Natural Resources on Oct 8th, 2022, in hosting a 2-part event “Garbage and Grouse Round-up”, in Elbe Hills State Forest. Meet at 8 AM!...
Pat Vanderpool asked for a little help to clean up his favorite place to shoot and he got it. We salute him and the volunteers who helped! On Aug 20th, Pat, his Grandson, six others, and another young man, cleaned up the lower section of the old pit on WA DNR land. ...
Bring your Stewardship, Sportsmanship and the Whole Family to help save a great place to target practice! This cleanup is inspired by local sportsman Pat Vanderpool who invites you to join him, and many others, for a cleanup of the 435th Pit near...
Volunteers will gather at the Mary’s Peak target shooting pit on Saturday, August 13th, to help clean up one of our favorite places for target practice. Hosted by: Benton County Sheriff’s Dept, Bureau of Land Management, Siuslaw National Forest and...