Our next event is coming up real soon! Plan to join us on this one! We’ll do a lot of good for recreational shooting and we’ll have a lot of fun target shooting after it’s done!We are making a statement that says this is a place for our...
March 18, 2017, 9 AM – 12 Noon 36 Pit Cleanup, Mt Hood National Forest, Hwy 224 at the 36 Pit. Sponsored by; Trash No Land, USFS Mt Hood National Forest, Clackamas County Dump Stoppers and Northwest Firearms. Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/GFfBYQ77Xgx 11 miles...
Here’s what’s on the slate for Spring so far. We recently finished the first one for 2017 in Tillamook State Forest off Hwy 26 (Photos are on the Events page under Past Events) and are moving on to several more soon.March 18th: Mt Hood National...
Who Loves a Cleanup? Who Hates it? The Hate part:No one should have to do cleanups on pubic land outside of cleaning up just what you took in. I find it infuriating that some people show no respect for the value of our public land, no respect...
Feb 25, 2017, 9 AMTillamook State Forest at North Fork Wolf Creek Rd. developed shooting lanesGoogle Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/WUhTAwgzHrt36 miles West of Beaverton, Oregon off Hwy 26.BYOL and BYOGH! (Bring Your Own Lunch and Bring Your Own Good...
Finally some nice weekend weather in the Portland Metro area! Sure felt like shooting weather to me! Did you get out for a little target fun?I had an itchy trigger finger all weekend and a bummed attitude because I knew I couldn’t go. Too many...
You arrive at your favorite place to shoot and find it trashed. Some ‘Jack-Wagon’ left his used up targets, milk jugs, beer cans and littered the ground with shotgun hulls (yet, they picked up their spent brass!). Your blood boils and you’re down right...
We are building partners of Trash No Land.Partners are how we get things done and make greater headway toward our goals.Those goals being;Protecting public land for our current and future generations,Reach shooters and instill the value of our right to shoot on public...
FREE TO SHOOT! We have the freedom to shoot on public land. Most land management agencies have information about recreational target shooting posted on their web sites and many public land places allow it. Be sure to check before going shooting. Along with that...
Cleanup and Celebration at North Fork Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes 36 miles West of Beaverton, Oregon! Sat Aug 27, 2016, 9 AM to 1 PM (+/- an hour) Help us salute Oregon Department of Forestry with our show of appreciation and celebration for the new and improved target...