To shoot or not to shoot?

To shoot or not to shoot? Every year during the Fire Season, we need to ask ourselves; “Should I go shooting or not?” We know people are anxious to go recreational shooting in the forest, but, consider the high risk of fire danger! Perhaps you should put it off until conditions...


WA DNR FIRE CREW SNUFF OUT A SMOKING STUMP. On Saturday, July 14, 2018, a 90 degree day, a DNR Fire crew responded to a report from a target shooter of smoke rising from a stump in the Yacolt Burn State Forest. The stump was being used as a backstop for target...

Miller Quarry Cleanup with BLM in Welches, OR.

Miller Rd, Welches, Google Maps: GPS:  45.366495, -122.007198 Directions:  From Sandy, Oregon, Head East on US Hwy 26 E, 14 miles (16 mins) to Right on Miller Rd. Follow ‘Cleanup’ direction signs. Details:  Join...

Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes Spring Cleanup!

Current Event Wolf Creek Lanes Spring Cleanup! North Fork Wolf Creek Rd in Tillamook State Forest Sat, May 12, 2018.  9 AM to 1 PM  Google Maps:  45°46’59.5″N 123°21’54.6″WHwy 26 West,...

Johnny Gets A Safe

Johnny Gets A SafeThe cry for help can sometimes be unheard, overlooked or even disregarded and thought of as being unimportant.  But to the person who needs the help, it is a real and stressful situation.  Such is the case with Johnny.A concern arose at...