Current Event Wolf Creek Lanes Spring Cleanup! North Fork Wolf Creek Rd in Tillamook State Forest Sat, May 12, 2018. 9 AM to 1 PM Google Maps: 45°46’59.5″N 123°21’54.6″WHwy 26 West,...
Johnny Gets A SafeThe cry for help can sometimes be unheard, overlooked or even disregarded and thought of as being unimportant. But to the person who needs the help, it is a real and stressful situation. Such is the case with Johnny.A concern arose at...
Upcoming Cleanup event on the Washington side!Please join us, Saturday April 14th (rescheduled due to high winds on the 7th) from 9 AM to 1 PM, as we invest a few short hours improving the quality of recreation in the Burn. With your help, we will be cleaning up...
We are launching a new class this spring called “Target Shooting On Public Land”. It’s all the things you need to know to shoot responsibly on public land.Four classes are schedule for this Spring/Summer: Training Classes: “Target...
The Current State of Recreational Shooting on Public Lands: Trash accumulation at dispersed shooting sites on public lands. (Lack of stewardship & dumping). Shooters unaware of rules and shooting unlawfully. (Unsafe conditions & violations of law)....
Feb 18, 2017, 1-5 PM, we will celebrate our first year of operating as a non-profit organization.We are going to meet at the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Public Safety Training Center. They have meeting facilities and an indoor pistol range. This is a...