Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes Spring Cleanup!

Current Event Wolf Creek Lanes Spring Cleanup! North Fork Wolf Creek Rd in Tillamook State Forest Sat, May 12, 2018.  9 AM to 1 PM  Google Maps:  https://goo.gl/maps/o7iDNrcx9M92GPS:  45°46’59.5″N 123°21’54.6″WHwy 26 West,...

Johnny Gets A Safe

Johnny Gets A SafeThe cry for help can sometimes be unheard, overlooked or even disregarded and thought of as being unimportant.  But to the person who needs the help, it is a real and stressful situation.  Such is the case with Johnny.A concern arose at...

New Informational Classes this Spring/Summer

We are launching a new class this spring called “Target Shooting On Public Land”.  It’s all the things you need to know to shoot responsibly on public land.Four classes are schedule for this Spring/Summer: Training Classes: “Target...

Thoughts about our First Anniversary Fundraiser

Feb 18, 2017, 1-5 PM, we will celebrate our first year of operating as a non-profit organization.We are going to meet at the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Public Safety Training Center.  They have meeting facilities and an indoor pistol range.  This is a...