Put those firearms back in the safe, folks! Target shooting is now prohibited in Mt. Hood National Forest, until we get past this extreme/unusual fire potential situation.Of course, we’re not surprised, right?!!!. I’m sure most of us have chosen not to...

Using Suppressors in Public Land ShootingWe support the use of suppressors in public land shooting, as it helps reduce noise and enhances the recreational experience for all who visit our great outdoors.We will have a special presentation of several suppressor options...


Thoughts for consideration when developing improved shooting lanes on public land.Here are a few thoughts, on last years project, that were designed into the improved shooting lanes in Tillamook State Forest on North Fork Wolf Creek Rd (overseen by Randy Peterson of...

Earth Day at Tillamook State Forest. Browns Camp Pit!

Our next event is coming up real soon!  Plan to join us on this one!  We’ll do a lot of good for recreational shooting and we’ll have a lot of fun target shooting after it’s done!We are making a statement that says this is a place for our...

Upcoming Spring Cleanup-n-Shoot Events

Here’s what’s on the slate for Spring so far.  We recently finished the first one for 2017 in Tillamook State Forest off Hwy 26 (Photos are on the Events page under Past Events) and are moving on to several more soon.March 18th: Mt Hood National...

Cleanups… A Love/Hate Relationship!

Who Loves a Cleanup?    Who Hates it? The Hate part:No one should have to do cleanups on pubic land outside of cleaning up just what you took in.  I find it infuriating that some people show no respect for the value of our public land, no respect...