Winners of the 2021 March Member Drawings!

Prizes are awarded only to members who join or renew membership prior to March 31, 2021 in the Ambassador, Protector and Knight levels. Drawings were held on Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 at 6 PM. Winners have been notified by email and results are posted here....

Public Safety Priority One!

Public Safety Priority One! Our Public Safety Project is underway, and planning & fundraising has begun. The project is being organized by the Public Land Target Shooters committee for the Wolf Creek & McGregor Basin, in the Tillamook State Forest, under the direction of Steve Williams...

New Website, New Features!

New Website, New Features! Leave a comment about our new site! Some new additions include: An interactive target shooting map with popular shooting sites on public lands around Oregon and Washington.  You cannot find a public lands shooting site map like this!  From the ‘Home’ page,...

Mary’s Peak Oregon… First Cleanup of 2021.

 A handful of target shooting enthusiasts came together to show their respect for the recreational shooting sports on BLM land at Mary’s Peak gravel pit, Saturday Jan 16th, 2021.  Joined by a BLM Law Enforcement officer, the group had no problem...

Target Shooting Committees in a Forest Near You

Trash No Land is now accepting Volunteers to serve on multiple target shooting committees throughout Oregon and Washington. Choose your favorite forest and join that committee. We need committee Members and Directors. Serve as long as you wish and as often as you...