Impromptu Cleanup happened at Wolf Creek Lanes

Steve Williams, a member of Trash No Land, put out a call for help, on the website forum, to go clean up the North Fork Wolf Creek Rd shooting lanes in the Tillamook State Forest and six good stewards joined him.  Other shooters, who were...

Soggy Bottom Boys Perform At A Rained-Out Quarry

 “Neither rain nor mud nor gloom of cloudy skies stays these volunteers from the swift completion of their dedication to stewardship”! Twelve responsible target shooters endured the showery elements to perform their stewardship magic at the rained-out Miller’s...


Year 2020 as been an abnormal year for many things and recreational activity on our public lands has been one of those abnormalities. The result is an overwhelming amount of trash has been left behind on the lands we value so much.As Americans, we enjoy the freedom to...

A Cowlitz County shooting site gets a random cleanup.

James, A long time user, and consistent steward of an old gravel pit in Southern Cowlitz County, put out a call for help, on the NorthwestFirearms website forum, to clean up his favorite place to shoot.  He reported trash had built up recently and has now become...

Where have all the shooters gone?

On Saturday, August 15th, 2020, target shooting was temporarily closed in all Washington State managed Forests, due to potential fire hazardous conditions.  One week later I visit the Yacolt Burn State Forest and I wonder…  Where have all the shooters...