Restoring quality recreation on the beautiful Fremont-Winema National Forest! A community wide stewardship event. Saturday, July 13th, 2024, 9:00 AM to 1 PM. Sign-up Below to Volunteer! Presented by: Trash No Land, JunkIt LLC, & USFS....
On June 23rd, a Sunday, Trash No Land partners with the WA Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and WA State DNR for their 3rd annual clean up at a shooting site in the Sultan Basin, Washington. The Public Land cleanup starts at 9:00 am on WA DNR state land...
Trash No Land is teaming up with the Klamath Chapter of Oregon Hunters Association for a clean up just West of Keno, Oregon. Saturday, June 1st, 2024. Meet at 8 AM Presented by: Klamath Chapter Oregon Hunters Association Partners: OHA Klamath Chapter, Trash No Land,...
I will let the photos tell the story, (and a good story it is), but first, here’s a couple thoughts I’d like to inject… For one; there were close to, or over, 100 volunteers in attendance whom represented all forms of recreation groups. Yet only 6...
May 25, 2024, Tillamook State Forest at North Fork Wolf Creek Rd shooting lanes #1-4. 9 AM Sign-in & Meeting at Lane 3. A multipurpose event. Cleanup & Graffiti Removal! We provide the Lunch, you provide the After Party! Preserving Public Land Shooting...
The annual Pick Up The Burn community volunteer event is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2024. Meet at the Jones Creek Trailhead parking lot at 9 AM. Yacolt Burn State Forest, Clark & Skamania Counties, Washington. Hosted by: WA Dept of Natural Resources...