4-20-19 Wolf Creek Spring Cleanup

Wolf Creek/McGregor Basin Cleanup! Earth Day Weekend in Tillamook State Forest Sat, April 20, 2019. 8 AM to 1 PM   Google Maps to Meeting Place:  https://goo.gl/maps/dNTMU3Bs9Ex GPS:  45°46’50.6″N 123°21’07.3″W Meet at 8 AM at Four County...

4-20-19 36 Pit Cleanup

April 20, 2019,  9 AM – 12 Noon 36 Pit Cleanup,  Mt Hood National Forest,   Hwy 224 at the 36 Pit.   Sponsored by;     Trash No Land,    USFS Mt Hood National Forest, Clackamas County Dump Stoppers. Google Maps:  https://goo.gl/maps/GFfBYQ77Xgx    11 mi...

8-25-18 Browns Camp Quarry

We will be cleaning up the Browns Camp gravel pit, (Beaver Dam Rock Quarry in The Tillamook State Forest), where a lot of target shooting takes place and needs our stewardship attention. Win some awesome prizes in our free raffle!  We encourage you to support our...

9-23-18 Mary’s Peak Cleanup

We will be cleaning up the gravel pit on Mary’s Peak Road at the Rock Quarry at Mile Post Four where a lot of target shooting takes place and needs our stewardship attention. Win some awesome prizes in our free raffle! We encourage you to support our vendors who...

8-25-18 Deschutes NF Zimmerman Pit Cleanup

Recreation Cleanup!   Sat, Aug 24, 2019 Location: Just 5 miles NW of Sisters. From Hwy 20 and N Locust St in Sisters, Drive North on N Locust St (which becomes Camp Polk Rd), Continue North on Camp Polk Rd, Left on Old Wagon Rd, Left on Sage Woods Ln, Right on...

8-25-18 Mary’s Peal CleanUp

It’s time once again for the annual Mary’s Peak Cleanup Event! Come celebrate National Public Lands Day a week early! Hosted by; Benton County Sheriff’s Dept,   BLM,   USFS   and   Trash No Land. Location: On Mary’s Peak Road at the rock quarry...