We don’t like cleaning up other peoples trash. We don’t like seeing our great outdoors littered like a big city street. We don’t like the damage being done to our natural resources. We don’t like seeing rules disregarded and disobeyed when we try so hard to follow those rules for the good of all who visit the land. We don’t like our reputation being ruined by the careless acts of a few who know not what they do and/or don’t seem to care.
But we like what we do. We like responsibility, stewardship, respect, comradery and a prideful feeling of ownership. It’s engrained in our souls like chiseled values on a tablet of stone. It’s what we do, how we live and what we teach. We are volunteers and stewards of our public lands.
Trash at dispersed shooting sites on public lands is drowning out the beauty of our cherished great outdoors. It is an eye sore in the face of, what we have known and cherished as, quality recreation. It is giving the recreational shooting sports a bad look. And we don’t like that.
So we ban together and set forth to change the world, one dispersed shooting site at a time. We preach from the heart and teach with example in sincere hope others will see the value and adopt the attitude. And we love when change happens.
Join us Sat, Aug 25, 2018 in Tillamook State Forest at Brown’s Camp Gravel Pit as we demonstrate our pride, respect and stewardship for the privilege of the recreational shooting sports on public lands.
Website Event: http://trashnoland.org/8-25-18%20Browns%20Camp%20Quarry.html
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/244981123005321/